This action-oriented crime drama traces the trials and triumphs in the life of Sreeram, a hard-working and sincere young man, who is forced to struggle in order to find suitable employment. Desperate for honest work, he begins preparations to try out for police selections for the post of sub-inspector. He receives encouragement and guidance from an honest police officer, Narayana as well as his girlfriend, Madhu.
In a fateful turn of events, Sreeram ends up having a terribly violent confrontation with a mean stranger who misbehaves with Madhu and ends up injuring him badly. It is only later that Sreeram finds out that the man is none other than 'Encounter Shankar', an extremely corrupt and dangerous Circle Inspector.
Sreeram's sister marriage is fixed with Madhu's brother. Just ahead of the wedding ceremony, Encounter Shankar exacts revenge upon Sreeram by beating him up badly in the police station and leaves him to die on the railway tracks.
Will Sreeram be able to escape death? With his body terribly damaged, will he ever succeed in fulfilling his dream of becoming a sub-inspector of police?