This family-oriented romantic drama follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Sombabu (Ali), the only son of a well-to-do farmer. He is completely spoiled and spends his life aimlessly. A hopeless wastrel Sombabu wastes his days roaming around the village with his four stooges, swindling foreigners in the guise of a tourist guide, and consuming liquor by the bucket.
On one such day, he chances upon Rohini (Ruksha), who is visiting the village to do a project on the temple. He promptly falls in love with her, but dallies about proposing.
Meanwhile, a team of three villains (Jeeva, Jayaprakash Reddy, A.V.S. Subramanyam) covet the land belonging to Sombabu's parents. They hatch a plan to get Sombabu out of the way, the upshot of it being that our hero is imprisoned for stealing idols. Will Sombabu ever grow up and take on the responsibility of protecting his family? How will his love story unfold?