This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Radha, a beautiful young woman who has great ambitions of leading a lavish lifestyle. She ends up getting married to Madhu, a civil engineer in the hopes that he would fulfill all her desires and give her a life filled with luxury and material comfort.
However, it turns out that Madhu is an honest and hard-working man, with very limited financial capacity. Slowly, Radha becomes filled with frustration and resentment and not even the birth of two beautiful children are able to change her perspective.
Infuriated by the drudgery of her day-to-day existence, Radha begins to take Madhu for granted and abuses him regularly. Meanwhile Latha, an exceptionally wealthy young woman, who is the daughter of Madhu's boss and has returned from London to be with her father begins interacting with Madhu, and slowly falls in love with him.
Unaware of Madhu's marital status, Latha proposes to him. Despite the unhappy state of his marriage, Madhu does not give in to temptation and rejects Latha's proposal. When Latha meets Radha, she gets to know of her weakness for wealth and offers her an incredible amount of money in exchange for permission to marry Madhu.
Succumbing to temptation and giving in to her greed, Radha forces Madhu to marry Latha, and when he refuses, she threatens to commit suicide. Madhu is left with no other option but to give in to the adamant desire of both women. How will Radha's life turn out when Madhu begins to live with Latha? How will their children deal with the absence of their father in their lives? Will Radha ever recognise the error of her ways and repent? And even then, would it be possible for her to get Madhu back?