This fast-paced crime thriller revolves around Rajaram (Venkatesh), a fearless man with a troubled past. Rajaram's father Raghuram (Naga Babu) is an investigative journalist in a United Nations agency. who cleverly infiltrates the criminal organization of Nana Bhai (Aditya Pancholi) and earns his trust. He gathers proof against the activities of Nana and hands them over to newspaper publisher Chaitanya Prasad alias CP (Sayaji Shinde).
When Nana Bhai comes to know of Raghuram betrayal, he becomes incensed and murders Raghuram and his entire family in an exceedingly brutal manner. However, the young Rajaram manages to flee from the massacre and vows to get revenge on Nana.
With the assistance of Baba (Nassar), Rajaram grows up to be a strong young man. He assumes the identity of Shadow and starts looking for members of Nana's gang. Meanwhile, Prathap (Srikanth), a tricky police officer also working for the United Nations agency is also searching for Nana Bhai and his gang.
As expected, the methods of Rajaram and Prathap clash resulting in friction. However, Rajaram soon learns that he has a terribly deep association with Prathap. At last, he manages to reach Nana Bhai and destroys him.