The story revolves around two documentary film makers who go missing while investigating an ancient stone found in a village far away from Kolkata and this results in a series of mysterious events unfold simultaneously.
When two documentary film makers go missing while investigating an ancient stone is found in a village far away from Kolkata, a series of mysterious events unfolds where the protagonist, a college boy named Arka comes across the same piece whereupon he is left with the burden to solve the mystery surrounding it. Arka finds some ancient inscription carved upon the stone and is determined to unravel the mystery behind it with the help of his paternal uncle and a linguist named Barsha. They embark upon a mission to find the missing filmmaker which takes them to the far flung village of Gorang . Their journey takes a new turn when they realize that not only they are being hunted by another unknown group of people for the metal piece but the metal piece itself is a treasure map.
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