This family-oriented relationship drama follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Vamsi (Srikanth), a sincere man who belongs to a wayward and chaotic family. His father is an alcoholic, his mother is cantankerous and irritable, his brother is a gambler, his sister's husband is lazy and they constantly create trouble for him.
His only saving grace is his sister-in-law, who is patient, wise and supportive. Ensuring that the family members remain away from conflict becomes a full-time job for Vamsi, who does his best to troubleshoot with the help of his sister-in-law. However, he is so vexed by their behaviour that he solemnly decides to remain a bachelor for ever.
However, when he meets and begins interacting with Vasanti (Seema), he's so impressed by her personality and character that he finds himself falling in love with her despite all his decisions to the contrary. When Vasanti also reciprocates his emotion, they decide to get married, but complications emerge when her grandfather, Janaki Ramaiah (Akkineni Nageswara Rao) only agrees to the wedding under the condition that he would also stay with them after the marriage. How will the future unfold for the young couple and their families?