This emotionally charged relationship drama revolves around Raja, a happy-go-lucky young man from an impoverished background. Raja's brother Chandraiah works as a labourer in the household of Devudu, the wealthy and powerful president of the village.
Devudu's spoiled daughter Swapna keeps getting into conflict with Raja. In an act of revenge, she pretends to be in love with him and just as he genuinely begins to love her, she insults and humiliates him in public.
Raja walks away from her, but decides to stand in competition against Devudu for the election as president of the village. He openly challenges Devudu that he should win he must be allowed to marry Swapna and if he should lose, he would willingly leave the village forever. Will Raja succeed in winning the election? How with the marital relationship between Raja and Swapna unfold?