Evocative and eloquent, this poignant romantic drama revolves around Mohan Verma, a handsome playboy from a wealthy family, who meets with attractive Devi and falls in love with her. His parents would prefer that he marry Anita, but he refuses to do so. He proposes his love for Devi, but Devi not only rejects but humiliates him, because his reputation as a playboy precedes him.
When Devi comes to know that Mohan really loves her with his heart and soul, she repents, and accepts Mohan's proposal for marriage. The marriage is set to take place within a few days, and preparations are on. Then Devi's brother, Nandlal, comes across a secret about Mohan's life, and puts a stop to this marriage.
Devi finds out that her brother is behind this, and tells Mohan, and they plan to get married in secret. That night Mohan does not show up, and Devi is devastated. Fearing that he may have been involved in an accident, she contacts him and finds out that he was out with another woman, a call girl named Laila. Is Mohan truly nothing more then a playboy or does he have a worthy reason for his misbehaviour?