In desperate need of a job, unemployed Ravi (Jeetendra) goes to his maternal uncle (A.K. Hangal) and aunt (Leela Mishra) in their village for a few days. His uncle decides that he can be a suitable teacher for five obstinate and spoiled grand-children of the wealthy Rai Saheb (Pran). Ravi accepts this offer, and goes to work as a tutor with them. He soon realizes that it is not upto him to keep his employment there, but rather to the children themselves, who have never tolerated any tutor beyond a few days.
Did you know? Director Gulzar made Jeetendra's character wear glasses and have a mustache in the film so that Jeetendra would resemble Gulzar himself. Read More
The movie is based on a Bengali novel Rangeen Uttarain by Raj Kumar Maitra and is partially inspired by the classic American film The Sound of Music (1965).
Director Gulzar made Jeetendra's character wear glasses and have a mustache in the film so that Jeetendra would resemble Gulzar himself.
"Moving On" by Raymond Ramnarine is a cover version of "Musafir Hoon Yaaron".
Parichay 1972
18 Oct 1972 ● Hindi ● 2 hrs 25 mins
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