This emotionally charged romantic drama revolves around Chinni (Nagarjuna), a talented young man who aspires to become a renowned singer. a beautiful young woman, Indhu hears his voice and falls in love with him without ever seeing him.
Chinni tries to reveal to Indhu that he is the one she is enamoured by, but is placed in some complicated situations that cause Indhu to identify him as a miscreant and begin to dislike him.
Then, in a tragic twist, Chinni becomes responsible for Indhu losing her eyesight. At this critical juncture, Chinni begins taking care of Indhu and sacrifices all his needs and desires for her sake. Without knowing his appearance, Indhu begins to respect and love the man whose singing ability she loves. However, she doesn't realise that it is the same man she detested for being a criminal.
In order to collect the funds required to surgically correct Indhu's eyesight, Chinni goes to the extent selling his kidney. He also reveals the entire story office complicated relationship with Indhu to his mother, and after her demise, she decides to donate her eyes to Indhu.
In yet another twist, when Chinni travels to Pune to sell his kidney, he is arrested by the police for looking after a piece of baggage that was left behind by terrorists, and contained explosives. How will Chinni's future unfold? Will Indhu ever learn the full story and accept Chinni?