This multi-layered relationship drama traces the twists and turns in the life of Nanda (Sumitra), a beautiful young woman from a wealthy family. She falls in love with her friend's brother Raj (Vijay Kumar), but isn't sure if he is in love with her. Yet, she is so consumed by her love for him that she rejects all the marriage proposals that come to her, so much so that her father dies out of depression.
Her father's demise reduces their family to poverty and Nanda travels to the big city in search of a job. A surprise awaits her when she meets her boss as he looks exactly like Raj. She assumes that it is Raj, but before she can rejoice that she has found her first love, she discovers that her boss' name is Vasant (Also played by Vijay Kumar) and he is just a look-alike of Raj.
Meanwhile, Vasant falls in love with Nanda and proposes to her. Nanda rejects it and tries to find out if Raj reciprocates her feelings. She is deeply upset when she finds out that Raj is in love with someone else. Meanwhile, Anuja, a common friend and colleague tries to convince her to consent to marry Vasant as he has gone into a delirious state, thinking of her. What will Nanda's answer be?