Youthful and evocative, this soulful romantic drama revolves around Bobby (Sachin), a quiet, gentle, introverted young man. In a quirk of fate, he ends up falling madly in love with Mounika (Sampada), when he sees her walking out of a railway station. From this moment, it is one-way love. Her cool response perturbs Bobby, because for him his love is complete, unconditional and all consuming. Mounika means the entire world to him, but she completely ignores Bobby's presence.
In another quirk of fate, the two youngsters end up meeting at a traditional five-day wedding ceremony that becomes the backdrop of their evolving relationship. Bobby tries in vain to attract Mounika. Her response when he rescues her younger brother is lukewarm.
He ventures to write a letter and when he drops it from the first floor, it lands by her father's side who picks it up, reads through, but ignores it completely. How will this unique love story unfold? Will Bobby succeed in winning Mounika's heart? How will her father, who has a different bridegroom in mind for his daughter, respond to Bobby's love?