Evocative and eloquent, this multi-layered romantic drama revolves around Ravindrababu (ANR), a great poet, lover of nature and arts, who has a artistic and sensitive mindset.
He gets married to a rustic and a simple woman Parvathi (Jayasudha). Her brother Jagannatham (Jaggaiah) is extremely fond of his sister. Though Ravindrababu loves Parvathi as a wife, he fails to get inspiration from her as a poet.
The couple lack intellectual compatibility. It is when he meets an artist personified woman Padma (Jayaprada). Her dance skills, expressions, looks and the poetic touch makes Ravindrababu express himself as a poet. Right from then he transforms to an admirer of Padma. Parvathi feels hurt and humiliated as Padma, a woman belonging to a disreputable family, has stolen her husband from her.
Jagannatham enters the scene and warns Padma not to disturb Ravindrababu’s family. As a result, Ravindrababu gets deeply hurt. He becomes isolated with the fond memories of Padma and explains his grief in a poetic way to nature and clouds before breathing its last after meeting his wife.