This revenge thriller revolves around Suji (Urvashi), a carefree and fun-loving young woman, who is the only daughter of billionaire Vishwanathan (Visu). She has a habit of playing pranks on unsuspecting people, and on one such occasion, it leads to her choosing Ram as her father's personal secretary.
Vishwanathan's friend Moorthy (Kitty), manager (Ajay Rathnam) and Swarna wish to takeover Vishwanathan's wealth. They plot to get Suji married to a person of their choice, but she ends up getting married to Ram.
Then, in a tragic turn of events, Suji's father dies of a massive heart attack and Moorthy and his gang go on the offensive and murder Suji. How will the culprits be brought to justice? What is Ram's role in the conspiracy to kill Suji?