This fast-paced crime drama follows Balram, a fearless and forthright police officer. Frustrated by several personal setbacks, including a failed love affair, he turns into an alcoholic and a womaniser..
Balram is assigned to nab a criminal, who evaded the clutches of the police after murdering a contractor. Balram successfully arrests him, but the criminal is set free by the clever defence arguments of a brilliant lawyer. it turns out that Balram's ex-lover is now married to the lawyer, who is now involved in several illegal business ventures.
Balram falls in love with a prostitute, whom he decides to marry. Meanwhile, a vvindictive young lady is determined to avenge herself on Balram, who she believes to have killed her brother while in police custody. But in reality, it was a handwork of the criminal set free by the lawyer, on instruction from a powerful man.
Falsely implicated, Balram if suspended from the police force for two years, before being reinstated. Knowing from harsh experience that his innocence and the guilt of his enemies can never be proven in the court of law, Balram is forced to take the law into his own hands. Will he succeed in defeating his enemies?