Evocative and eloquent, this family-oriented relationship drama follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Somu (Ravichandran), a well-educated young man from an impoverished family background, who is only able to complete his higher studies with the help of his maternal uncle, Dharmalingam Pillai.
He falls in love with his classmate in college Meena (Jayalalithaa), a beautiful young woman from an exceptionally wealthy family. Her father Sivagnanam (Major Sundarrajan) agrees to their wedding under the condition that Somu would become a member of their household after the marriage.
Somu agrees and their wedding takes place, but since this is against the norms of the patriarchal system, in which the wife usually goes to live with her husband's family, he is treated with disdain and disrespect by many family members. His own mother-in-law insults him regularly. Her cousin brother (T. S. Muthaiah) plots to usurp the wealth, by his son Balu (K. Balaji) who is secretly married to Seetha (Udaya Chandrika).
Somu spots Seetha, his presumed to be dead sister during a stage performance and tries to reconnect with her. Without knowing the nature of their relationship, Meena begins to suspect Somu's fidelity. How Somu solves all the problems and paves way for a happy family reunion forms the crux of this family drama.