This evocative family drama revolves around Seetha, a beautiful young woman who lives with her husband, Madhu a successful man and their young son. Their happy marriage is only marred by Seetha's excessively possessive attitude. Seetha suspects every woman who is in Madhu's vicinity and reacts aggressively to the women she deems to be her competition.
Madhu hires Sudha to be his personal secretary. Much to Seetha's ire Sudha is vivacious and carefree and goes to the extent of hugging Madhu right in front of Seetha's eyes. While Seetha's jealousy knows no bounds destiny has a cruel surprise in store for her.
Seetha is diagnosed with a terminal illness and making peace with her fate, decides to set Madhu up with Sudha. She accuses Madhu of having an extra-marital relationship with Sudha, separates from him and creates all kinds of chaos to ensure that Madhu would begin to detest her and fall in love with Sudha. Will she succeed in her mission?