This socially relevant family drama revolves around Avataaram, a canny and intelligent man, who works in a government office as a clerk. The rampant corruption, laziness and irresponsible behaviour of many government servants in India is highlighted through his behaviour and experience.
His son, Venkat falls in love with his classmates, who is the daughter of Janardhan Rao, a wealthy man. With the support of Vijaya, his mother, Venkat convinces Avataaram that he should meet with Janardhan Rao and ask for his daughter's hand in marriage.
Janardhan Rao initially insults Avataaram and sends him away after rejecting the proposal. However, later when he requires assistance with the finance department for some approvals regarding business deals, he agrees to take Avataaram's help in exchange for for the marriage between his daughter and Venkat.
After marriage however, several problems arise as Janardhan Rao's daughter is unable to adjust to life in a middle-class family. She seeks many amenities and material comforts As a result, Avataaram's need to accept bribes keep increasing, until he tragically gets cancer and passes away.