This contemporary drama delves into the twists and turns in the life of a busy housewife and mother, Madhu Saxena who becomes deeply hurt and upset when her husband forgets her birthday. As it is on February 29, her birthday only comes once every four years.
Finally deciding to stop wallowing in self-pity, she goes on a shopping spree to celebrate the day and buys a car as well. While resting in a cafe she meets Raghav, a mysterious stranger, whom she surmises to be a private detective. He does not dissuade her from the idea because he is really a wanted forger who has been turned in to the police by his girlfriend Ria. Needing cover until he can leave Mumbai,
Raghav pretends to be following an unfaithful husband who is planning to murder his wife. He agrees to accept Madhu's help on the imaginary case. As they pursue the non-existent husband they begin to feel attracted to each other. Events become more complicated when Madhu realizes that he is not a detective and that he has been deceiving her. Finally, Raghav decides to give himself up to the police and Madhu returns to her family.