Fast-paced and fiery, this action-oriented romantic drama revolves around Vasu (Ajith), a happy-go-lucky college student, who is persuaded by his friends to contest elections in the college. He, however, incurs the wrath of the local MLA Varadharajan (Charan Raj), whose son, studying in the same college, also contests the elections.
In the course of events, the MLA's gang attacks Vasu and his friends. It's here that Vasu's father (Vijayakumar), a tea shop owner, advises the students to take a plunge in politics and teach corrupt and greedy politicians like Varadharajan a lesson.
Taking cue from his words, Vasu does indeed take the plunge in politics with the backing of college students and even files nomination for the Assembly election in Kumbakonam constituency. Varadharajan is naturally annoyed and angry at the presumptuousness of Vasu and tells him to back off from the elections. But a relentless Vasu goes ahead with his plans. The rest is a sequence of events by which Vasu wins the admiration of masses and succeeds in getting elected as a MLA.
Unfortunately, Varadharajan, unable to digest the defeat, plays a trick and burns a primary school and Vasu is blamed for the death of innocent children. He gets sentenced to seven years rigorous imprisonment. After serving the term, Vasu comes out of prison only to take revenge on Varadharajan. After completing his mission, Vasu reunites with his long-time girlfriend Bhuvana (Trisha Krishnan).