Evocative and provocative, this socio-political satire revolves around Balasaheb (Kulkarni), who comes from a powerful and influential political family. Taking for granted the immense influence his father has in the political circuit, Balasaheb grows arrogant and disdainful.
He leads a luxurious life throwing around his father's money on alcohol and other addictions. He is callous and in different towards the struggles and suffering of others. However, he is a true friend to Vikas (Yadav) and Jeevan (Chougule), both of whom have stood by him through thick and thin.
Serendipitously, Balasaheb meets Urmi (Manava Naik) at a theatre performance and falls in love with her. As she is a theatre artist, he decides to attend a workshop at which she would be present, along with Vikas and Jeevan, who dreams of becoming a reputed writer.
When a young theatre artiste questions his integrity, Balasaheb is deeply affected and it causes him to reassess his priorities and principles in life. Along with his friends, he decides to direct the play that turns into a journey of self-enquiry, self-discovery and self-transformation.