Evocative and eloquent, this poignant family drama revolves around Louis, a 34-year-old gay playwright dealing with a terminal illness. 12 years back, he willingly left home and is now returning to reunite with his family, to make up for lost time and confess to them that he might not be around for much longer.
Upon arriving at the house, Louis' mother Martine is surprised to realize Louis has never met his brother Antoine's wife Catherine, as Louis was not present at their wedding. His younger sister, Suzanne, has little memory of him. Catherine begins telling Louis about her and Antoine's children, nervously stammering to explain why they named one of their boys Louis, after Louis and Antoine's father. Louis expresses interest in seeing the family's former house, citing nostalgia, which bewilders the others who regard it as a ruin. He later talks on the telephone, saying he plans to tell his family about his impending death and then leave, while expressing uncertainty as to how they will react.
During a meal, Louis promises to visit home more, and tells Suzanne she is welcome to visit him. However, it soon becomes apparent Louis intends to leave. Seizing upon this, Antoine forcibly attempts to remove him from the house, while the family shouts back at Antoine for his brutality. Antoine lashes back, saying he is tired with being treated as the family's freak. After a pause, Louis leaves without having told his family of his prognosis.