Fast-paced and fiery, this romantic drama traces the twist and turns in the life of Lakshmi (Sheela), a beautiful young woman, who falls in love with Cheenu (Navdeep), a handsome youngster who goes to school with her.
As Lakshmi grows up, her lascivious brother-in-law, Prithviraj begins to sexually harass her and the violence keeps escalating to the extent that he tries to rape Lakshmi in Cheenu's presence.
Desperate to escape Prithviraj's torture, the young couple elope and seek refuge under the protection of the district collector. She advices them to complete their education before thinking about marriage. Accordingly, Cheenu starts to study under the protection of police. Will Prithviraj be threatened enough by the police presence to leave them alone. What will the future hold in store for Cheenu and Lakshmi?