Dark and disturbing, this offbeat psychological thriller revolves around John Wayne Cleaver, a teenager in a small Midwestern town, who has been diagnosed as a sociopath and suffers homicidal impulses. These are exacerbated by working at his mother April's funeral home. He controls his urges with rules, mental stopgaps, and speaking to his therapist, Grant.
When John comes to the realisation that a serial killer might be on the prowl in his hometown, he becomes obsessed with investigating into the crimes, in order to try and hunt down and destroy the menace. Near a recent murder victim's body, John sees a puddle of black oil and is intrigued by the knowledge that some internal organs have been removed from all the dead bodies. His investigation leads him to his neighbour Bill Crowley's house and into a paranormal menace that is creating havoc to his body. Can John destroy the dark force, whilst keeping his own demons at bay?