Upbeat and offbeat, this inspiring saga is set against the stunningly scenic backdrop of New Zealand. It revolves around Ricky Baker (Dennison), a defiant youngster from the city, who is sent by child welfare services to live in the country with foster parents, Aunt Bella and cantankerous Uncle Hec (Neill). After initial hiccups, Ricky gets connected with the couple and feels himself at home.
However, when Bella suddenly passes away and child services decide to take Ricky back to a care home, Ricky runs away into the bush with Uncle Hec in pursuit. When officers from the Child Welfare Services department arrive to find the house empty, they promptly come to the conclusion a bereaved and mentally unstable Hec has abducted Ricky. A national manhunt ensues, and the two have to get over their differences to survive. What will the future hold in store for them?