This fiery crime thriller revolves around Rama Chandra (Daggubati Venkatesh), a sincere and skilled police officer iis designated to the role of Deputy Commissioner of Police of Hyderabad City. His upbringing as an orphan and the special nature of his job as a policeman have left him reluctant to form relationships with women. He doesn't have much faith in the judicial system and seeks to 'eliminate' the criminals in the town through encounters.
Rama Chandra, however, has fallen in love with Maya (Asin Thottumkal). She is a school teacher and has fallen in love with him. Initially, he shuns her love, fearing that his enemies might cause harm to her. But her love is so deep for him that she is willing to take this risk, and they are married.
In one of his encounters, Rama Chandra kills Das, an Orissa-based leader of a criminal family, and his troubles begin. Das’ brother Panda (Salim Baig) resolves to take revenge on Rama Chandra for the death of his brother by targeting Chandra's friends and family members.
Maya is kidnapped by these villains and her husband sets out to rescue her and to free Hyderabad City of this criminal menace at the same time. Despite facing growing horror and betrayal at every step, Rama Chandra defeats Panda and his mafia, and also rescuing his wounded wife. The final scene features Rama Chandra a few months later, calling out to his wife 'Maya' and both leaving in a car.