Evocative and thought-provoking, this offbeat thriller revolves around Detective Galban, a police officer who investigates the circumstances behind the death of his partner, Detective Joey Cullen. The mysterious case leads to an attempted police cover-up and a dangerous secret involving an unlikely young woman.
While the two parallel story lines initially appear to have little in common, but as events gradually unfold in the two separate urban worlds, the young woman, Isabel De La Cruz, appears to somehow be involved in the detective's demise.
Detective Cullen was depraved and corrupted. His colleagues fear that the investigation into his death will bring these facts to light. The results would include bad press for the police department and the loss of his pension for his family. The fear is based on the fact that one of the prime suspects in the case is a young ex-convict who had allegedly been sexually molested with a broomstick wielded by Detective Cullen. Supervisors within the precinct would rather let the murderer go free than to open up a Pandora's Box of troubles for everyone concerned.
Meanwhile in Isabel's private world, she believes that the strange beings she has begun seeing on the streets are angels. Accordingly, she thinks that her mysterious 'impossible' pregnancy is a gift from God. However, nobody in her family believes her. Isabel's 'angels' are a fabrication of her own mind. She created them to accompany a fictional narrative that would replace the unbearably traumatic memories of being raped by Detective Cullen on the subway platform the night that her 'visions' began. She further suppressed the memory of catching him off guard afterwards and killing him in a fit of righteous rage.
The buried memories are released in an avalanche of images after a brief stay at her parents' house triggers a sudden recollection of sexual abuse from her father many years ago. Isabel befriends an imaginary young girl, who finally is revealed to be Isabel as a child. She disappears from the pew in the church as Isabel prays for strength to accept what has happened.