This family-oriented action drama revolves around Surya Murthy,, who lives with his parents and a younger brother bearing a striking resemblance to him, Satya. They lead a very lavish and luxurious lifestyle.
When his parents decide that he has reached the ideal age for marriage, they tried to encourage him to settle down, but he refuses. However, Satya who is desperate to marry his girlfriend becomes so impatient that he chooses Vasundara, a beautiful young woman he deems to be suitable for his elder brother.
Indeed, Vasundara seems to be an ideally suited life partner for Surya Murthy and they get married with their families' blessing. Shortly after the wedding ceremony a large amount of jewellery is reported to have been stolen and then an employee tries to burn down their farmhouse and land.
In the resulting chaos, a burglar is apprehended with the stolen jewellery and Satya is forced to make a confession that he was the one who hired the thief. This breaks down the harmony in the family and a rift is created between the two brothers. Little do the two brothers know that the theft of the jewelry and the arson was caused by Vasundhara, who has a score to settle with Surya, who had humiliated her sister. She also cleverly manipulates Satya into confessing for the crime. Why is Vasundara so determined to destroy the family's harmony and peace of mind? How will the future unfold for Surya Murthy and his family?