This multi-layered family drama follows the fortunes of an exceptionally wealthy family. A greedy relative, Bhaskar Rao wishes to kill all the children born to the family, so that he can possess their inheritance. Immediately after birth, the first son is taken to be murdered, but is saved by circus elephants and brought up by the owner of the circus.
The second son, Raja manages to survive and grows up into adulthood. When he mistakenly kills a medicine man by running him over in his car, he tries to make amends by marrying Angamma, the man's orphaned daughter.
Afraid that soon there might be a new heir to the wealth, Bhaskar Rao tries to get Raja also killed. He tells the father that Raja is dead, and immediately the owner of the property dies of a heart attack. Bhaskar Rao happily takes over as the managing director of the company.
However, the family lawyer is aware of Bhaskar Rao's machinations. He finds Circus Ramudu, the eldest son of the family, who is now a fearless adult, and requests him to impersonate his younger brother, Raja. With the help of Jaya, Bhaskar Rao's daughter, Circus Ramudu and the lawyer embark on a mission to expose Bhaskar Rao and locate the true whereabouts of Raja. Will they succeed in their mission? Is Raja truly dead? How will the future unfold for the family?