Soulful and subtle, this sensitive relationship drama follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Kacper, a beloved history teacher, who begins to lose his sight. The medical diagnosis leaves little hope; due to a genetic disorder, chances are high that he’s facing permanent blindness.
Initially heartbroken, he attempts to hide his health problems from his bosses. His only desire is to keep his dream job and to enable his students to become fully prepared for their final exams. The only person with knowledge about Kacper's problem is his best friend Wiktor.
Grappling with the difficulties of his condition, while fighting the helplessness and hopelessness of his dreary fate, Kacper becomes very close with his co-worker Ewa, and at the same time he tries to guide a rebel student Klara, who hides a secret of her own. How will his future unfold?