This family-oriented romantic drama follows Buchchi Babu, a capable man from an exceptionally wealthy family. As soon as he returns from the USA after completing his higher studies, he becomes the most eligible bachelor in the city, and women throng after him.
However, in his mind, Buchchi Babu feels that his wedding has taken place a long time ago. When he was only a child, he entered into a playful marriage with his childhood sweetheart, and it is Buchchi Babu's wish to reconnect with her and re-establish their relationship.
In order to do this, he must first resolve the terrible feud between the two families. So, he secretly enters his wife's household claiming to be a cook, Maryada Ramanna and begins to gain the trust of all the family members. Will he succeed in solving all their problems and ensure that the families reunite in happiness and harmony? Will his childhood sweetheart reciprocate his love as an adult as well?