This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Ajay Singh Bhupathi, a Hyderabad-based wealthy advertising film director and model, who lives with his widowed mother in a palatial house. To fulfil his mother's wishes he travels to Sonpur to meet with a prospective bride. He connects with Meenakshi, who does not speak English very well, approves of her despite their differences, and soon both get married.
After a dramatic return from their honeymoon in Switzerland, both are informed that they will soon be parents. They hope to arrange for Meenakshi's sister Rani''s marriage, but she rejects their proposal. When Meenakshi goes for a visit, Rani tells her that she wants to marry Ajay and no one else. Initially Meenakshi is outraged, but subsequently changes her mind after Rani is hospitalized after a suicide attempt. The question remains: how will Meenakshi compel Ajay to marry her sister?