This multi-layered family drama revolves around Devdatta (Bhave), a selfish man who puts himself ahead of anyone else.
His parents make many sacrifices to ensure that he has the opportunity to lead a good life, but as soon as he is able to, he deserts them and moves to the USA.
This evocative tale sparks off when he returns from abroad, on a short commission to complete a project. With his wife Anita (Marathe) and daughter Sara (Parab) slated to join him soon, Devdatta invites his parents to stay with him. His parents, Raghunath and Mangal Jogalekar (Manjrekars) are delighted, but bad memories resurface and things don't work out.
Worried about Sara's impending disappointment, Devdatta turns to Ravi (Barve), a scientist friend, who promises to temporarily supply grandparents in the hour of the need. And he does. How will the new grandparents turnout? Can people really be replaced so easily?