This emotionally charged family drama delves into the twists and turns in the life of Soman, who is happily married to Lakshmi. Usha is a woman he loved like his own sister, but she left home to marry Prabhu, a man who flaunts wealth. However, Prabhu deceives Usha and spoils her life.
Geetha, a young widow is forced to take the reins of a vast business as her father is unwell. She seeks the support of Soman to handle the employees and ask them to be patient, while she tries to understand the activities and gets everything functioning normally again. Soman helps Geetha get rid of Prasad, an evil man trying to usurp the company.
When Soman finds his wife very friendly with a mysterious stranger, he assumes the worst and breaks all ties with her. However, the mysterious stranger murders Prabhu.
Years later, Geetha and Soman have succeeded in making the company a successful venture. Soman's son Babu is a college student. Babu's best friend is Shaan, who happens to be the son of Soman's worst enemy, Prasad. Babu falls in love with Sindhu, a talented sportswoman who lives with her mother, who is shockingly Soman's wife Lakshmi. It seems that Sindhu and Babu are siblings. What was the relationship between Lakshmi and the man Soman presumed to be her illicit lover? Who are Sindhu's birth parents? Will the marriage between Sindhu and Babu go ahead without further complication, or will there be another twist in the tale?