This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Murali (Venkatesh), a young lawyer who lives with his exceptionally wealthy family comprising of his father Dhanunjaya Rao (Satyanarayana) and mother Tulasi (Sharada). Murali is in love with Rekha, a beautiful young woman who is the daughter of Justice Jaganatham (Gummadi) and both families bless their union.
In a fateful twist, Murali happens to save Padma, a sweet-natured young woman from petty criminals and accompanies her to her home, where he meets her blind mother Parvathi (Annapurna), He soon discovers to his utter shock that they are in fact his birth mother and sister. What were the events in the past, that caused Murali to be separated from his biological parents and to be adopted by Dhanunjaya Rao and Tulasi? How will Rekha's parents react when they realise the truth about Murali's parentage?
When he learns that terrible truth that his father, Sivaraman is facing imprisonment for the murder of Rekha's mother, he vows to prove his father's innocence in court. Will he be able to locate his biological father and exonerate him in the eyes of the law? Will he succeeded in identifying the real culprit and bring him to justice?