Fast paced and fiery, this crime drama revolves around Airavata, a fearless and forthright man who is requested by the Chief Minister and IG of Karnataka to rejoin duty as ACP (Assistant Commissioner of Police). When a journalist wishes to know why so much importance is being given to an individual officer, the story is revealed.
Six months earlier, Airavata had joined the Bangalore police as ACP and completely changed the functioning of the police force. With new rules to serve the public and a rejuvenated workforce, the police decimated the criminal network in the area under Airavata's leadership.
However, these changes earned him the enmity of several corrupt politicians and powerful criminals, especially Prathap Kale (Prakash Raj), who decides to exact revenge upon him. While preparing for a government event, Airavata is arrested by force for having joined the police force through fraudulent means.
Airavata accepts his crime and reveals his story during an open session in court. She had been a peaceloving farmer who had gone to Bangalore to resolve issues faced by some farmers. Meanwhile, his sister Charu was raped by some itinerant workers at the farm and their complaint against the rapists was not even launched by a corrupt policeman, forcing Charu to commit suicide. Their friend Prakasa decides to avenge Charu's death and kills the inspector, but is also fatally wounded in the process. Airavata vows revenge and enters the police fraudulently to fight for justice.
Airavata is declared to be innocent by the judge and is permitted to return to his village. He writes the civil service examination, enters the police force legally and is posted as ACP.
Back in the present, Airavata rejoins the force and begins to tear apart Prathap Kale's criminal empire. How will the villain react and can Airavata defeat his enemy once and for all?