This socially relevant romantic drama revolves around Tapasi, a well-educated girl, goes to a hill station for a holiday and meets a rich young man, named Kiriti. They fall in love and Kriti is keen to seal their relationship in the sacred bond of matrimony.
However, Tapasi had already married Bulu, a wealthy teenager, who was the son of the local zamindar. As her mother was unable to accept the wedding and forced her to return home with her, their marriage was never consummated. Despite this fact, Tapasi's guilt stays with her.
After a great deal of soul-searching, she finally decides to forget the past and move on with her life. She decides to get married again, but her brother reminds her about her past. Tapasi approaches her grandmother for advice. Her grandmother reminds her about Sita's "Agni pariksha" in the Ramayana, and how Sita triumphed over every obstacle. She hopes Tapasi will also emerge victorious after going through a similar test.
Tapasi is determined to face the truth and she returns to her old village. She tries to meet Bulu, but sees Kiriti in front of her. She realises that Kiriti is Bulu, her long-lost love.