Youthful and humorous, this multi-layered drama follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Bhanu Prasad (Dhyan Sreenivasan) a sincere college student, who lives in the boys hostel. He is forced to forsake his gold jewelry after lending it to his friend Harris (Bhagath Manuel), who has no idea of returning the chain.
At this critical juncture in his life, he happens to meet Adhishta Lakshmi (Namitha Pramod) at his college canteen. After learning about his desperate need for cash, Lakshmi offers to pay him Rs 20,000 in exchange for smuggling her into the boys hostel which is under the control of a strict warden.
Without considering the repercussions of his action, Bhanu accepts Lakshmi's offer and gets her in, but when they attempt to get out, they find that their escape route is blocked. Lakshmi is forced to spend the night in Bhanu's room but decides to tie him up for her own safety. Will Lakshmi to be able to safely escape from the hostel? What is her reason for wanting to enter into it in the first place? What will the future hold in store for them?