This fast-paced action thriller is set against a tumultuous backdrop where terrorism is on the rise. Durjoy Ray is a terrorist leader who has links with Kamal Pasha, another leader across the border. One of Durjoy Ray's commanders, Raghab Ray is caught by Inspector Raj Sinha. Many terrorists are killed in the encounter.
Seething with hatred, Durjoy Ray's team members vow revenge and brutally kill all the members of Raj Sinha's family, barring Nandini - Raj's sister-in-law, and her daughter Rimi. Raj becomes aware that the terrorists are determined to destroy his entire family and may attack once more. Nandini and Rimi are not in the house and are thus safe.
Raj learns that his long-lost friend Abhimanyu Nag is still alive. Abhimanyu is a very capable officer of the crime branch, but when he fails to overpower a group of terrorists, who were trying to cross the border because he failed to give the 'pipe' order, he is suspended permanently from his job. He is accused of having links with the terrorists. The truth, however, is that Abhimanyu's wife and daughter were being held at gunpoint at that time, making Abhimanyu completely helpless.
Raj appoints Abhimanyu in charge for the security of Nandini and Rimi. Though initially reclusive, Abhimanyu strikes a friendship with Rimi and also with her mother Nannui. But Rimi is kidnapped one day and Abhimanyu is left wounded and hospitalised. Bikram Sen blames Abhimanyu for this event.
Terrorists want Raghab Ray in exchange for Rimi. Abhimanyu learns of Bikram Sen's deal with Durjoy Ray to exchange Raghab Ray for Rimi. He kills Bikram. Rimi escapes with help from a terrorist, but is again caught. Raj Sinha locates the place where Durjoy Ray and the released terrorist Raghab are hiding. Police surround the hideout and in the ensuing shootout Abhimanyu kills Raghab and Durjay but finally he himself succumbs to fatal wounds.