Embedded with fast-paced action and intense emotion, this romantic drama revolves around Vinod (Jiiva), who aspires to become a businessman after completing his bachelors degree. His parents would much prefer him to settle down in a job, but Vinod is intent on keeping his independence and remains self employed.
When he finally takes up part-time work as a private detective, he is assigned the task of following a girl in order to trace her usual routine and to check if she is in a romantic relationship. While employed to shadow Sharmelee, the young woman, he slowly finds himself falling in love with her, so he quits the job..
As it turns out, Sharmelee is the daughter of a wealthy gold merchant, and has a strict policy in her life to not love anyone, because her sister eloped with her lover, and the shock of the event had caused her father (Nasser) to suffer a heart attack. How will Vinod approach Sharmelee? Will he succeed in not only winning over her heart, but also the approval and acceptance of her family?