In a poignant real-life tale, Najeeb Muhammad, an Indian migrant laborer, embarked on a journey to Saudi Arabia in pursuit of economic opportunities. Yet, fate dealt him a harsh hand as he discovered himself ensnared in a grim existence reminiscent of slavery, forced to tend to goats amidst the desolate expanse of the desert.
Did you know? Prithviraj Sukumaran immersed himself in the character by spending several days with the real-life Najeeb Muhammad, gaining valuable insights to authentically portray him in the film. Read More
Prithviraj bulked up to 98 kilograms before shedding down to 67 kilograms for his role.
Prithviraj Sukumaran immersed himself in the character by spending several days with the real-life Najeeb Muhammad, gaining valuable insights to authentically portray him in the film.
The film is an adaptation of Benyamin's acclaimed Malayalam novel of the identical title.
Techbank Movies London debuts India's first-ever 360 VR experience, spotlighting the making of A R Rahman's album 'Hope'. This immersive project is part of the celebrated film Aadujeevitham – The Goat Life.
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