Thrilling and terrifying, this offbeat drama revolves around two foster brothers, Vikram (Shabeer) and Vinoth (GR Aarvin). While their parents treat their adopted son, Vinoth, with kindness, their biological boy, Vikram, for some peculiar reason, seems to pass through a rough time. Consequently, he grows up psychologically disturbed and thirsting for revenge. Vikram gets his chance many years later -- when the brothers are no longer in touch with each other.
One night, Vikram breaks into the bungalow of Vinoth and his wife, Anjali (Pavithra Gowda) and ties them (including the couple’s baby girl) up to begin a game of terrifying torture and brutal sadism. Vikram orders Vinoth to kill his daughter (she is disguised so her identity is unknown) in return for his wife’s life.
A mentally deranged Vikram, who has escaped from a mental asylum, sets into motion a chilling horror by cutting off the woman’s fingers. Watching all this from behind a fireplace is a thief, who had chosen that night to rob the couple of their money and jewels. What will the future hold in store for the terrified thief, the distraught family and the psychopath who holds all their lives ransom?