Saugata Mandal

Art Director ● Production Designer ● Costume Designer

Born in 1978, in Berhampur Town, West Bengal. Analumni of film & Television Institute of India (FTII) in - 2008 Art Direction & Production Design Batch. At the beginning, I have work experience with Production Designer Mr. Samir Chandaand, Art Director Mr. Jayant Deshmukh, which advanced me later in my career. Being a visual art student ( B.V.A -2003 & M.V.A -2005 in Applied Art ) I have done a range of feature films, short fiction, and advertising works. ‘The Man’s Woman and Other Stories’, my debut feature film-work won the special jury award at the Venice Film Festival2009.’ Turbulence’ short film work won the Best Film category at Dubai Film Festival 2009.Also won-Best Award- student Annual Exhibition2005 from Rabindra Bharati. Bachelor of Visual Art in Applied Art - Rabindra Bharati University 2003, Master of Visual Art in Applied Art- Rabindra Bharati University 2005.Film Appreciation Course –Nandan2003.Certificate Course in B & W photography –State Youth Center 2001, Certificate Course in Appreciation of Indian Art - The Rama Krishna Mission Institute of Culture 2002. Art Direction & Production Design – FTII Pune 2008. Presently working in Mumbai.

Born on: 10 February, 1978

Born in: Berhampur, Odisha, India

Height: 5'8

Hindi 2017
Production Designer
Hindi 2016
Production Designer
Hindi 2012
Art Director
Hindi 2011
Art Director
Hindi 2010
Art Director
Hindi 2011
Costume Designer