This multi-layered social drama revolves around Alia, a beautiful young woman with good values. Her mother on the other hand, thinks of her as an investment and is desperately on the lookout for a wealthy NRI to get her married off.
Firoz is a powerful don who is in the process of smuggling precious gold biscuits from Dubai to Hyderabad, through two of his thugs.
Aslam Bhai is a conman, who has answered the request of Alia's mother on Facebook, for a wealthy NRI bridegroom for her daughter.
Firoz's thugs and Aslam Bhai get into a minor argument during which their bags get switched, causing the valuable smuggled biscuits to get into Aslam's custody. Even as he tries to fool Alia's mother into thinking that he is extraordinarily wealthy, Firoz and his men try to hunt him down for the gold.
How will Aslam's future unfold? Will Alia find a man who will truly love her?